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Platform to connect

It's a platform to bring individuals, students, and professionals together to exchange and enhance skills. Anyone can become a part of it, irrespective of their background. It's a nonprofit and diversified community. Every member can host an event. Meetups will be research, technical, job skills, social, yoga, hiking, spirituality, etc.
Website accessibility pattern : Socialize < Language gathering and entrepreneurship < researchers

Connect with individuals with whom you can share and gain experiences
New prospectives
Discover new possibilities and opportunities
Diversified Environment
Meet people to support and encourage each other to share knowledge and skills


hello everyone

Be a part of academic, language, social gathering

It is a social gathering platform to meet individuals with similar interests to share knowledge, stay fit, learn new things, and be better suitable to social and corporate needs.




Be a part of it

Our goal is to engage all members and actively make them part of it. We are developing different activities by and for the members.

We would not call it perfect yet – there is much work to do – We are working on fulfilling our attributes of becoming the go-to site
to enhance skills. We recommended that individuals in their 20’s and 30 are to participate.

Platform to connect and interact with..

Purpose-driven meetups to exchange and enhance skills

The group is for everyone striving for success and fulfillment in their careers, business, and life.
Become a part with a huge passion for making a positive social difference, creating happiness, wellness, and belonging through a purposeful community.


Users can be a part of any group to send registration requests.
Kindly provide the required information during the registration process that makes the process easier and transparent.
Admins can automate new user approvals and permissions through request rules and a manual approval process.
We request that you read the terms and conditions carefully during the registration.

For any further information, reach us at “ “


Login to access meetups

Enthusiastic Entrepreneurs

The Entrepreneur meetup is a supportive community consisting of successful and motivated individuals.

We get together regularly, face to face, to talk about business, marketing, small and solo Entrepreneurs, and success in life.

Networking is one of the valuable primary skills we could learn to make our company a success story. It takes much time and struggles to create a successful company, so it is reasonable to have a network of individuals with similar interests.

Seeing what others have done can show us the potential of our project and motivate us to complete it.

My process is really about bringing value and building community. The formula is straightforward, “offer value, then ask.” So many individuals are offering services for free, so you have to provide value. Offering value and then selling from there makes your product stand out.


Learning more about those around us can inspire personal empathy and collaborative problem-solving and even give you ideas for creative solutions to our challenges.

continue to grow:

In business, you know that matters more than ‘WHAT,’ it is ‘WHO.’ To create a truly successful business, you must have an enormous resource of appropriate connections in your set of contacts that can be useful.

You are more likely to step ahead and achieve success by connecting yourself with others who share a typical enthusiasm for achieving goals. In addition, business networking is a unique way to expand your skills, learn from others’ stories, get new clients, and explain to others about your business.

Improves our learning curve:

We can learn basic and advanced skills and techniques from those with entrepreneurship experience. It might be a quicker learning curve than learning on your own.

Better pieces of advice and New Opportunities:

You don’t know if you do not go through the faintest idea to solve a new problem, but maybe the stranger to your right does. Or perhaps someone on your network has experience in the same field you’re trying to get started in. combined knowledge is another advantage of networking that many folks might consider. Networking might be adequate for small and solo businesses to save you from an unforeseen pitfall, or it may provide you with genuine business proliferation tips.

In the long run, having an adviser or some other experience source can be what turns an individual into a successful entrepreneur, so making the extra effort to get to know someone is worth it. Information is its currency in this field.

For better or worse, people prefer to do business with those similar to them or easy to get along with. Talking to people would be a wise investment of your time for any aspiring business owner. Doing business is just as much about whom you know as it is about what you know.

Be a part of social, entrepreneurship, language gathering

This group is for all (Solo-)Entrepreneurs and small business owners striving for success and fulfillment in their career, business, and life. It focuses on helping people and businesses grow, gains more clarity, and understand the connection between your imagination and your results.

There will be regular events for education and networking.

We keep the level high, positive, professional, inspiring, and engaging. Let´s have a magnificent time together and enjoy the journey while creating fruitful results.

Individuals/students (Masters)/ Current research fellows, as well as future aspirants, to gather.


Our motto

Welcome to the Individuals/students ( Masters)/ Ph.D. (Current research fellows) gatherings. All you need to do is join the group.

Have you ever imagined how great it would be if you could meet other professionals in the city who are studying or doing research in a similar field as you? You would have many things to talk about and share, but you would also gain knowledge and support for your thesis or research.

On the professional front, you get to give and take valuable information, social or subject field. You get to share your experiences with them and learn through their experiences. This way, we can shorten the learning process to achieve our objectives.

We share our knowledge, learn from one another, and foster a community of practice to improve the standard of our studies/job search/thesis writing/research. We support each other to learn more about research and get different viewpoints to inspire. 

The networking aspect is also significant, as it is a good way of receiving advice from peers, finding your next job, and catching up with other professionals / researchers.

When we link you to various gatherings, our target remains to help you receive valuable and quality information.

Whether you need information on relevant studies/ research or want to socialize with others, we ensure that your interaction process with others becomes  effortless.

We ensure an exchange of beneficial ideas and tips by students or individuals interested in attending different gatherings.

Who are we:

It is a self-supporting system for meetups, and we are not related or recognized by any universities or government organizations.

It is a self-supporting system to exchange knowledge and meet individuals with similar study / research interests and skills exclusively for Vienna residents. All meetups take place in person.

What we do:

We can build up soft skills, discuss problems in addition to challenges related to working in academia, and discuss non-scientific themes in a safe and non-hierarchical environment.

A Diversified Environment:

Our peer motivation is open to current students/ research candidates and aspirants living in Vienna.

We believe in a diversified environment, and we believe that our network can contribute to connecting all young enthusiasts and scientists, making it a more diverse place.


Be a part of social, a professionals, the entrepreneurship, language gathering

For academic and professional networking, we bring current students ( Masters) / researchers (Ph. D), future aspirants, and other experts to improve our academic and professional network. 

Scholars of all fields and origins are welcome! Also, those doing their bachelor’s Degree or Master’s degree or working in corporate and those planning to do a Ph.D. are welcome to join us.

If you are a part of it, you can continue improving your academic skills, enhancing your entrepreneurship knowledge, and Professional language skills by being active in social gatherings.

We meet casually and talk about any topic we are interested in, such as thesis writing, paper publishing, alternative career paths, job searching, and entrepreneurship, otherwise to be active in a social gathering.

Our goal is to engage all registered individuals actively and make them part of it. We are developing different activities for and for the students/ research candidates. We organize social events to connect and interact with the individuals from here.

Once you are a member of this group, you are automatically a member of other groups such as German and English language skills and small business and self-employment gatherings to exchange knowledge and enhance your abilities.

Contact us if you have ideas and are willing to support us with organizing social events. Reach out to us at the events or via ““.

Jane Doe

There is simply no better way to improve fluency than interacting with others. Here we joyfully practice and learn exciting topics to talk about and with a community to interact.


socialize with Language

This place is where you come to speak German and English in person. You can participate, talk about the Language, and meet interesting people every time.

We are people who are interested in advancing language skills and meet around Vienna city and are sharing the same challenges and difficulties as you. The group is primarily to support and encourage each other along the way.

This platform allows us to develop unique solutions to our challenges – to put into practice what you’ve learned.



Speak English ,German with Confidence

That's what we're about. We're the cafe, the park and so on. Chit chat, serious topics, you will get it.

This platform is where you come to speak and increase your skills.

Practicing what you have learned is what it is all about, and every aspect of Language to get confident.

Nelson Mandela said, "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. That goes to his heart if you talk to him in his Language." That's why we've created a supportive space where we can learn and practice. You'll get real-world experience speaking a Language while also being able to make mistakes and pick yourself back up.

All the gatherings will be held in person only. We meet around Vienna in different locations such as cafes, bars or museums.... to practice Language.

It is a great way to Socialize with the other members and make long-lasting friends.

Regular meetups

We do gatherings Regularly, and you can attend any of them based on your preferences and availability when you are interested in practicing German and English. Please take a ticket only after ensuring you can participate in the event.

Level with at least B1 or more

To have flow with other participants recommended having at least B1 skills to participate.

Learn Language with others

A platform created to connect with like-minded individuals and exchange skills

Our goal is to provide the perfect platform where we can practice, and every meetup gives us more spirit and encourages us to participate consecutive once.

Share the same difficulties and challenges as you with others. Learning Language is one of the most rewarding things we can do; we will support and encourage you. We can keep things interesting by learning slang, funny words, idioms, and more.

We would not call it perfect yet – there is much work to do – we are working on fulfilling my attributes of becoming the go-to site to enhance skills. It is recommended for individuals in their 20’s and 30’s to participate.

If you require further information write me on “ “

Social Gathering

To meet individuals and spend some quality time during weekend or holidays companionship to visit music Festival, restaurant, museum otherwise just simply chit chat and so on.

Many people find it hard to make new connections, primarily when starting. They feel bashful and sometimes even try to avoid social circumstances. The best way to change it is by placing yourself out there. By networking regularly and putting yourself out of your comfort, you can 'learn' how to enjoy meeting new people and feel more confident.

Similar to speaking engagements, round tables is beneficial to those looking to maximize their skills by liaising with their peers.

Round tables allow open forums and debates that often lead to creative ideas and new directions. Round table discussions usually include smaller groups since participation from each attendee is expected.

We have to talk to people, and we also need to listen to what they are saying. Often, networking isn't just about fulfilling your objectives but also supporting others to fulfill theirs. Be genuine and authentic in your conversation, and you will likely leave a lasting impression on your new contact.




Educate you on areas outside of yours but relevant to you:

When attending meetups, you benefit from collaborating with individuals with different circumstances in multiple fields. Conversing with people in varying industry environments can provide a refreshingly alternative insight and help educate you on provinces outside of yours that may still be relevant to you.

Stay Updated On Trends:

Events usually have time allotted for mingling and discussion, and informative presentations. We will get the outline of new tools, resources, and trends in your industry. The critical benefit of attending these meetups is that it allows us to stay on top of trends and allow us time to discuss them and what they mean for our business with others in similar situations.

You can connect with your niche:

Say quilting by moonlight or listening only to every artist's third album–then it will be hard for us to catch up with people in our vicinity who share that passion and values.

And in that way, this platform supports slightly strange and kooky among us (I included) a chance to find people like us who share our interests and make us feel welcome despite our necessity to lunar quilt. Often all we're looking for is acceptance. Without it, we don't feel lonely - With it, we feel loved, which is incredibly motivating.

Socialize with others in social, outdoor activities:


We believe that meeting up with others can’t just help you on the personal front but also help you develop professionally and socially. When you meet others and share things with them, it lowers the stress in your mind, but you also get the solutions to many issues you are facing. This gathering aims at bringing together individuals across different disciplines;

Our intention is to provide the perfect platform where we can practice and acquire skills and spend some quality time. We would not call it perfect yet – there is much work to do – We are working on fulfilling our attributes to make it a better platform. We recommended that individuals in their 20’s and 30 are to participate.

User Manual

Some procedures are straightforward, while others have indirect methods.
We added here a direct approach with screenshots, How to use this website.

For more details, click on the button.

In cases where the user has any Logistics sues, he/she in all cases must seek independent legal advice provider.

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